UVairo UV-C Air Sanitizing - Three (3) Sizes to Choose

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SKU: SP56050001
Regular price $8,200.00

 UVairo UV-C Air Sanitizer

UVairo units eliminate surrogate viruses faster than any other product tested of its kind.

Our air sanitizing units provide an active layer of protection and confidence against airborne viruses to ensure people are safe indoors and in shared spaces.

These units were sent to Microchem Laboratory, a third party nationally known lab, for testing. As of August 18, 2020, the units were found to successfully reduce the virus particles in the air by 96.94% within 5 minutes and by 99.993% after just 30 minutes.

No other company in the United States is showing these success rates in such a short amount of time!

The science behind the magic:

There is a special wavelength of ultraviolet (UV) light known as the germicidal range (254nm) that can deactivate viruses and bacteria. Air is drawn in, filtered, and passed through a high-intensity UV-C light chamber, removing harmful particulates.

The effectiveness is dependent on how long the air is exposed to UV-C, the wavelength the light is at, and how intense the light is. We use the preferred wavelength for killing microorganisms and use an intense bulb that allows us to deactivate the microorganisms in a short time. 

 Available in 3 Unit Sizes:

UVAiro Model Output Size Room Recommended
UVairo 500 450 CFM 12' x 12'
UVairo 600 600 CFM 20' x 20'
UVairo 1600 1600 CFM 31' x 31'


See Technical Data and Test Results