Chemex Training

BLOOD-BORNE Pathogen Training. Are You in Compliance?

All Spills of Body Fluids Must Be Considered To Be Contaminated And Handled According To OSHA Protocol.

You could be subjected to a penalty of up to $7000.00 for even the first offence. If you do not have the proper equipment and supplies for clean up of blood or "Other Potential Infectious Materials, or if you do not do the job properly.

Municipal employees, including facility staff, street maintenance, parks & are at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens, including Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV/AIDS. This exposure may be through needlesticks, sharps injuries, mucous membranes, and skin exposures.

Custodial  personnel and sewer and drain crews are examples of workers who may be at risk of exposure.

Workers and employers are urged to take advantage of available engineering controls and work practices to prevent exposure to blood and other body fluids.

Your seminar will be hosted by Barry Greenberg, an infectious disease control specialist. Following the seminar, all attendees will receive a Certified of Completion, valid for one year.

Subject Matter:

  • Employee Quiz
  • OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030 *
  • Exposure Control Plan 
  • Bloodborne diseases - including risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens, including Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV/AIDS
  • Preventing exposure
  • PPE -Personal Protective Equipment
  • Understanding Engineering and work practice controls
  • Exposure incident procedures
  • Simulated Training
  • Training and Attendance Forms
  • Completion Certificate



Fact: 96.2% of all US based businesses are interested in protecting their organization from lethal diseases and viruses; sadly, only 7.5 % actually knew the correct steps to take. 

The EPA is now considering training requirements for users of Disinfectants & Sanitizers. (Health care workers, school employees, water treatment technicians) It's imperative to implement a protocol to detail all necessary procedures, in order to disinfect and decontaminate your environment in the event of an outbreak.

Your seminar will be hosted by Barry Greenberg, an infectious disease control specialist. Following the seminar, all attendees will receive a Certified Disinfection & Decontamination Specialist (CDDS) Certificate.

  1. Blood & Body Fluid Spill Clean-up
  2. Complete Disinfection Training and Procedures
  3. Complete Decontamination Training and Procedures
  4. Natural or Man-Made Weapons Grade Bacteria or Viruses