Bacterial Digestion of Waste
An instructional guide on the function of bacterial digestants and how they work, to digest waste:
Bacterial digestant products contain three necessary components
1. Bacterial Cultures
2. Enzymes
3. Essential nutrients
See how these three components work in harmony to digest organic waste quickly and efficiently, with no odor or noxious gas.
The following discussion outlines the biological process of Bacterial Digestion. This process is responsible for the digestion of organic waste, no matter where it occurs.
With minor variations, this same process digests waste in:
Grease Traps, Drains & Plumbing, and Septic Systems, Hog, Cattle, Chicken Manure Pits, Leaf and Grass Mulch, Municipal Sewer Treatment Operations, Including: Digesters, Oxidation Tanks, Trickling Filters and Ponds
Also Industrial Wastewater, Food Processing Wastes And Other Waste Disposal Systems
Bacterial digestion is the process of bacteria consuming organic matter. The bacteria feed on the organic waste, deriving nutrition for growth and reproduction. Using complex chemical reactions, the organic waste is metabolized down to water and carbon dioxide (the final metabolic waste products), providing the bacteria with energy to sustain their life.
It may be simply shown by the following equation:
Figure 1: Bacterial Digestion in a Simple Chemical Equation.
Organic waste is consumed by the bacteria, used as nutrients by the bacteria, and is no longer present to produce clogs, odors, sludge, pollution, or unsightly mess.
Thousands of different types of bacteria exist everywhere in our world, and most of them carry on bacterial digestion in some way. However, some of them are found only in a particular place (environment), require specialized types of food, and/or have very unique biological roles (niches).
A bacteria is a single cell life form - each individual cell is a separate, unique organism. Bacteria often grow into colonies that appear as jelly-like masses, but each cell remains an independent, individual life. Bacteria reproduce by a process called cell division. A mature bacteria reproduces by dividing into two daughter cells, each identical to each other and the parent bacteria. Under ideal conditions, bacteria can reproduce very rapidly, producing a new generation every 20 to 30 minutes.
Following this reproduction process, we see that the number of individual bacteria doubles with each generation. The population explodes as the number of organisms increases logarithmically. This population boom begins soon after the bacteria is introduced into a favorable environment, after a short lag time when the bacteria becomes acclimated to the new conditions.
Obviously, this population cannot increase forever. At some point, the food source will be depleted, waste products will accumulate, or some other change in the environment will cause the population to level off or decrease (such as a change in pH, temperature, or oxygen content of the environment). Also, introduction of any poisons into the environment may have negative effects on the population, as well as competition from other types of bacteria. This is demonstrated by a population growth -chart for a typical bacteria culture.
Addiional information regarding to bacterial digestion of waste will be found in Part Two.